thats what the leaves on this clover stand for.

NAME// camille
GENDER// non-binary
SHADOW// fausta

camille is a gentle & caring doll, often found lost in thought or simply enjoying nature with their shadow. althought it takes them a while to trust you, its well worth the effort. they care deeply for their friends. enjoys writing poems & tarot.

fausta, on the other hand is as curious as a crow gets, always ready to cause a little bit of mischief when camille isn't paying any attention to her

a letter lands at the dolls feet. it was carried by a gentle wind. it reads as follows:

today i met a frog ! sure, i've seen them before but.. this one was really pretty! i dont know much about them, but elise (my previous owner) used to love love LOVE them!! so i do too. have i told you about elise? oh, but the frog was big enough i think i couldve used him as like! a horse!

also, i think it's going well. mealstrom maelstrom and i made up! he even sent the letter this time! but im sure you know that. but thank you a million times over!! you're the best!

with love love looove,

misaki & maelstrom.